
Career Bites: Bite-Sized Career Tips In Less Than 3 Minutes

A newsletter for ambitious professionals who want to supercharge their career and professional presence. Topics covered include presentations, feedback, executive presence, LinkedIn, managing up, and more. | 300,000+ LinkedIn followers.

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How to make every 1:1 meeting count

Hi Reader, Over the summer, I worked with a few interns, many of whom hadn’t ever interned before. I introduced the concept of a 1:1 document to them, as I believe it’s one of the easiest ways to impress your boss. When you create a strong 1:1 document, you show that you’re prepared and organized, and you create an easy reference document your manager can jump back into whenever needed. 💡 Tip of the DayA well-organized 1:1 document reflects your professionalism and preparation. Use it to...

📈 Your career is your business - don't leave it to chance.

Hi Reader, One thing I’ve learned over the years is this: no one will advocate for your career as strongly as you can. It’s easy to assume that your manager knows what you want or that they’ll naturally push you toward new opportunities. But the truth is, they’re managing their own career, other teammates, and their bosses, too. It’s a lot to keep track of! If you want your career to grow, you need to take charge. Don’t just ask for what you want once and expect results. Follow up, keep the...

Do you struggle to make connections at work, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]?

Hi Reader, I recently had someone join my team but I had some reservations. The reason? This person didn’t show much expression on our video calls, and as a result, they seemed a bit unenthused to be on the team. 💡 Tip of the Day While you don’t have to have a smile plastered to your face all the time, the energy you convey — especially on video where energy is more muted — does matter. Because you all know I love feedback, I brought my observation up to him and asked if I was interpreting...

👐 This might feel awkward (but it’s a game-changer)

Hi Reader, Have you ever thought about where to put your hands during a video call or presentation? Hand gestures are something I see a lot of people neglecting or when they try to incorporate them, it doesn’t look quite right. 💡 Tip of the Day Whether you're presenting or just participating in a meeting, incorporating hand gestures can help convey enthusiasm, clarify points, and engage your audience by making it easier for viewers to follow along. What not to do: I had a client recently who...

How to leave a powerful LinkedIn comment + a special announcement

Hi Reader, Let’s talk about a simple yet effective way to boost your LinkedIn presence: leaving powerful comments. Many people get nervous posting on LinkedIn. That’s why I’m such a huge proponent of commenting. Comments = content, and they’re a much lower-stakes way to dip our toes into content creation on LinkedIn. Here’s how to make your comments stand out. ⤵ 💡 Tip of the Day Think quality, not quantity. A good rule of thumb is to aim for comments with at least 15 words. This ensures that...

This one thing turns feedback into a powerful tool for growth

Hi Reader, I’ve been reflecting on the importance of giving and receiving feedback, especially after spending the summer with a few amazing interns. It was a special program centered around mentorship, so I gave a LOT of feedback. One strategy that consistently helped my feedback be more effective was adding a special ingredient — my variation on the C-O-I-N framework (mine is C-O-I-I-N). 💡 Tip of the Day I’ve mentioned this popular model before, but for anyone who isn’t familiar or needs a...

Have you tried something new?

Hi Reader, Earlier this year, I decided to try my hand at creating a TikTok video and I had no idea what I was doing. 😂 That doesn’t mean it wasn’t valuable for me to try. While recording a TikTok video may seem trivial, it represents a bigger idea: It’s ok to try new things where the outcome won’t be 100% perfect. 💡 Tip of the Day As a perfectionist myself, it can be difficult to try or publish things that won’t be… well, perfect. But if I waited till that “perfect moment,” I would never...

Give yourself a pat on the back, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE].

Hi Reader,Have you ever felt like an imposter, even though you’re excelling at work? You’re not alone. I’ve felt it many times before, and I am certain it will continue to pop up in the future, too. 💡 Tip of the Day Something that has helped me not let imposter syndrome take over is to reframe my mindset: Remember, feeling like an imposter is often a sign that you’re growing and stepping out of your comfort zone. I truly believe that those of us who experience imposter syndrome are often the...

Avoid the cliché announcement, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]

Hi Reader, Have you ever wanted to announce something exciting on LinkedIn but wanted to avoid the clichés we normally see? The phrases "I'm excited to announce…" or "I'm humbled to share…" have been described as humble brags that can make the platform a bit cringe-worthy at times. 💡 Tip of the Day Craft a unique announcement instead of falling back on default announcement text. Sharing a bit of your journey or passion will instantly make your news more engaging and personal. Here are some...